Private Sessions

Private Healing Sessions

Go deeper into the possibilities of healing thyself. Michelle holds space for source energy to flow through vibration, frequency, Reiki, shamanism, Bird medicine, intuition and psychic/clair abilities as you receive the healing for your highest self.

Private Sound Bath

Your location or a public outdoor setting. Sixty minutes of guided meditation and Reiki infused shamanic vibrational sound therapy with the gongs, quartz singing bowls, medicine drums, chimes, shakers, and other sacred sound instruments.

Private Gong Bath

Allow yourself to receive the healing vibrations of the Gongs including the Paiste Planetary Sun Gong, Paiste Synodic Moon Gong, and Oetken Heart (Love) Gong.

Distance Healing Session

Each person or group member receives Shamanic Reiki infused energies; while Michelle creates a crystal grid, pulls oracle cards for additional messages, and connects all to the Reiki World Peace grid for continued healing and integration.

Yoga-asana, Meditation, Sound Healing

The union of mind, body, and spirit through the movement of the body, guided meditation, breath work, and sound healing.

Animal Reiki

Hands-on or distance healing for your furry family members. Allow your pets to receive the relaxing and healing vibrations of Reiki for their overall well-being.

What To Expect?

You will receive exactly what is needed for your highest healing with the least amount of suffering. The energies know what to do and Michelle is the channel through which they flow. You will remain comfortably dressed and relax on a padded floor mat or massage table with blankets and pillows. Together, we will create sacred space calling in the energies of angels, guides, teachers, ancestors, shamans, Karuna® Reiki, Mother Earth, and all her children, our star families, and lightworkers. Michelle will use hands-on healing, with a gentle touch on various parts of the body, while guiding you into a meditative state. Sound Healing infused with healing energies, crystals, mantra, and aromatherapy are included in the experience.

What To Bring?

Any items you would like bathed in the energy. An eye mask or other comfort items to make your session more enjoyable. Drink water before and bring water to drink after your session. Staying hydrated keeps the energy moving. Journaling, meditation, and rest will support the integration.